This year, YALE participants will take a different journey. There will be 18 meetings in which we will learn new skills to prepare for a journey to a destination chosen by the participants. This is more than a class trip--it's a planned experience designed to teach skills such as setting goals, budgeting, safety skills, financial planning, problem solving, and reaching consensus.

We welcome your input and suggestions on this blog!

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Off to a Good Start!

Our first session was Monday, September 27th, 2010. Introductions were made, although most of the soon-to-be travelers know each other. There are 10 participants which is a great turnout.

We discussed potential destinations, and the suggestions ranged from Florida, DC, New York, California, the Bermuda Triangle, and Andover, MA. The finalists were Florida and California, and now comes the task of deciding which one will be more affordable as well as provide the most activities and easiest way to get around. The discussion was interesting and lively, and the group weighed the pros and cons of each of the suggestions.

The group then discussed potential costs and figured out they would each have to set aside approximately $20 per week for 30 weeks in order to be able to afford the trip. We also talked about possible fundraising efforts, and the suggestions were a car wash, raffle baskets at the next Winarc fundraiser, holding the Winarc dances (doing all the work!), plus a few others, including a pillow fight a la Three Stooges style (don't worry, that was nixed, at least as a fundraiser).

It was a great class, and the two hours flew by quickly.

REMINDER: checks for the first session are due on Monday, October 4th, as well as the Emergency Contact forms.

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