This year, YALE participants will take a different journey. There will be 18 meetings in which we will learn new skills to prepare for a journey to a destination chosen by the participants. This is more than a class trip--it's a planned experience designed to teach skills such as setting goals, budgeting, safety skills, financial planning, problem solving, and reaching consensus.

We welcome your input and suggestions on this blog!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Second Session Discussion

The second session began on January 10, 2011 with full attendance. There is no session on January 17th.

As we get closer to June (the trip date--exact dates to be determined), we realized we have much to cover. To enjoy the trip, we realize that certain expectations should be in place, and the group brainstormed the following provisions for a contract which they will sign on January 24th.

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Y.A.L.E. Social Contract
This contract was constructed and completed by all YALE participants during class on Monday January 10, 2011. We have composed this social contract which we have all agreed to follow while on our trip.

1.    Always have your cell phone on you. (consider borrowing a cell phone for the trip if you do not own one)
2.    Every night a chaperon will make sure that each Yale participant is charging his/her cell phone.
3.    Public Restrooms – There will be a Buddy System in place when someone needs to use a restroom.
4.    No answering the hotel room doors without knowing who is at the door. (chaperon will be in charge of opening the room doors at the hotel)
5.    All phones will be set on vibrate after 9pm to eliminate disturbances at night in the hotel room.
6.    Tell chaperon when you might need some alone time. (if you need to be by yourself “chill time”)
7.    Follow the schedule that YALE participants have made before going on the trip. There should be no arguing about schedule since we will all make our daily schedule prior to going on the trip.
8.    Be respectful to others (inside/outside) our group.
9.    Make sure you know what rides you are able to go on. Each participant might have a medical condition which prevents them from going on a ride.
10.  Flexible to change in schedule due to chaperons discretion.
11.  Respect your space in the hotel. (keep your space clean; tidy up after yourself)
12.  Whenever you go each participant must tell a chaperon where he/she is going at all times.
13.  No smoking or drinking allowed on this trip.
14.  No fighting, no swearing, no DRAMA à always refer to a chaperon in a time of need
15.  No hand-buzzing
16.  No back-talk to chaperons
17.  No deliberate belching/farting in public areas
18.  No harassment
19.  No touching people’s personal belongings without permission
20.  Chaperon will enforce parent’s rules on the trip.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

YALE hosts annual Christmas Party

One of the ways in which YALE on the Move has chosen to fund raise for the trip to Florida is by running the monthly dances. This involves a lot of coordination, including designing and sending out notices, managing the food and material donations, collecting the money, coming up with a DJ and list of songs, arranging for the speakers, and making sure the Senior Center is cleaned up at the end of the night. Each dance yields close to $100 in donations, so we hope to plan many more before June.

Bake Sale

YALE members participated in a bake sale at the Senior Center on December 4th. The crafts fair hosted by the Senior Center presented a great venue for us to furnish food and drink to attendees. We managed to raise close to $150 towards the trip!

Thanksgiving Dinner

Yale on the Move participants finished the first session with a celebration right before Thanksgiving. Each member brought his or her favorite dish and helped prepare the feast. There was plenty of good food, good company, and good conversation!